Arm Lift/Brachioplasty Surgery

Evaluation of Arm Lift Surgery


Arm lift surgery is an outpatient surgery. Hair Hub administers this procedure before stating it. There, he marks the marking in the standing position before providing anesthesia. After that, we makes incisions to perform the procedure. Usually, he also uses the method of liposuction. Then, we makes sutures to close wounds. Finally, the procedure ends with the dressing.

Postoperative Care And Recovery

Getting the arm lift surgery from an expert surgeon is not enough to get the best results. In addition to this, it is necessary to follow postoperative instructions for fast recovery and the best results. It reduces the downtime and the patient will be able to get results quickly. So, it is necessary to take prescribed medicines on time. It is instructed to make the routine work limited for 2 to 4 days after the treatment. Certainly, 1 to 3 weeks are required to maintain bruising and swelling. Approximately 3 months are required to observe the final results.


There are some complications of ArmLift SUrgery :

1) Bruising
2) Swelling
3) Infection
4) Seroma
5) Bleeding
6) Wound dehiscence
7) Scar widening
8) Scar hypertrophy
9) Asymmetry
10) Bleeding

However, when you get the arm lift surgery done from Hair Hub. The chances of any of the complications are extremely less. We performs all the arm lift surgery will greatly care.