fat grafting in Islamabad - pakistan

Fat Grafting/Transfer Islamabad – Pakistan

Evaluation Of Patient

The various reasons can make a person the best candidate for Fat Transfer. For instance, if the patient wants to lose fat, improve sagging skin, improve the appearance, and rejuvenates skin. Then certainly fat grafting is the best suit for him. So, the medical history of the patient is taken by our experts to decide. Then, they decide whether it is the best fit for him or not.

Treatment Options

Various options are available to perform the treatment. So the basic purpose is to rejuvenate the skin and restore volume. Fillers injections also use to perform it. It requires to get multiple sessions of this method to get observable results. So Fat grafting provides long-lasting results without any kind of side-effects. Further, the method options for fat grafting include nano fat grafting, dermal fat grafting, macro fat grafting, and micro fat grafting. As a result, the selection of the method depends on the area of treatment.

Fat Transfer Procedure In Islamabad

It is minimally invasive. So, it is started by administering local anesthesia. Fat harvests from the targeted area by making small incisions. So, small cannulas use to take the fat out of the body. After that, the fat injections injects into the required area of the body by separating blood and oil.

Postoperative Care And Recovery

Postoperative care is necessary to get the best results of Fat Transfer. Because it helps to recover fast and reduce downtime. Ice packs use to reduce swelling and bruising. Certainly, 5 to 7 days required to settle it. As a whole, almost 2 to 3 months required to observe final results. So, the patient can maintain daily activities after 2 to 3 days.