Gynecomastia Surgery


Evaluation of GynecomastiaGynecomastia Surgery Islamabad

Above of all careful interpretation requires to pinpoint the issue properly. It is necessary before referring a gynecomastia surgery in Islamabad. Drug history, symptoms, bodybuilding, gymnastics, and systemic history include in medical history. Firstly physical checking is done that includes of skin texture and skin tone, laxity of the skin, amount of fat, and evaluation of breast glands. Secondly, various kinds of tests are also advised by the individual case. consequently, the procedure is explained to the patient concerning all important aspects.

Techniques of gynecomastia

The procedure of this plastic surgery is performed by using liposuction. However various techniques also use to perform this treatment in Lahore. These techniques include laser liposuction, VASER assisted, and suction liposuction. In short, pull through technique also use to remove additional gland tissues in the breast.

Procedure for Gynecomastia

HairHub perform the procedure in a very careful manner. Moreover, he always keeps the health of his patient in mind. In addition to this Local or general anesthesia administered before starting the procedure, So that the patient may not feel any pain. consequently, the procedure performs the selected technique.

Post Operative Care

Just getting the procedure is not enough. You also need to be careful in post-operative care to get optimal results. The patient can get back to the home right after the surgery if it performs by local anesthesia. In other words, the patient may remain in the surgery clinic for the whole night. Further, Medications will provide and compressions garments will advise for 4 to 6 weeks. Swelling and bruising may also last for about 1 to 2 weeks. Certainly, 3 to 4 months required to get outstanding and final results.