Best Hair Transplant Clinic In Islamabad, Pakistan | Hairhub

Address:Office No 7 & 8, 1st Floor, Hill View Plaza, Block G, Jinnah Ave, Area Blue, Islamabad

Hair Transplant In Islamabad, Pakistan

Welcome to HairHub, the premier clinic for hair transplants in Islamabad. Renowned for its blend of advanced technology treatments and unparalleled expertise, HairHub stands as a testament to the pursuit of perfection in hair restoration. With cost-effective solutions that don’t compromise on quality, our clinic boasts the best staff in the region, ensuring every client walks away with a renewed sense of confidence. Remember, your hair is your ever-present crown; at HairHub, we make sure it shines in all its glory.

About Hairhub

Nestled in Islamabad’s heart, HairHub stands as a beacon of transformation, offering cutting-edge hair restoration services for over 15 years. With a seasoned team at the helm, we specialize in advanced treatments including Micro FUE Hair Transplant, traditional hair transplantation, Exosome therapy, and PRGF, catering to the unique needs of both men and women.

At HairHub, our mission isn’t just to restore hair but to rejuvenate confidence, ensuring every client walks out feeling renewed and vibrant. Join us at Blue Area, Islamabad.

Best FUE Hair Transplant Cost in Islamabad & Rawalpindi Pakistan

Hair Transplant Cost in Islamabad​

The cost of a hair transplant In Islamabad typically ranges from 100,000 PKR to 400,000 PKR. However, it’s essential to understand that this pricing isn’t static. Here at HairHub, we pride ourselves on transparency, and our team is dedicated to helping you decipher the various factors that can influence the total cost of a hair transplant in Islamabad.

  1. Choice of Technique: FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) are the primary methods, and their costs can vary. At HairHub, our expertise in both techniques ensures that you get the best-suited procedure for your needs.

  2. Area of Coverage: The price correlates with the extent of baldness. The number of grafts required can affect costs. Thanks to our streamlined process, HairHub ensures effective coverage without unnecessary expenses.

  3. Expertise of the Surgeon: We’re fortunate to have seasoned experts like Farrukh Nosheen on our team. With over 15 years of experience, you’re assured quality without an exorbitant price tag.

  4. Facilities and Equipment: At HairHub, our state-of-the-art infrastructure guarantees top-notch service. While we maintain international standards, we’ve worked diligently to ensure our prices remain competitive, making us one of the most affordable clinics in Islamabad.

  5. Post-operative Care: Your journey with us doesn’t end post-surgery. We offer comprehensive aftercare services, ensuring optimal results and health without hidden charges.

  6. Location Premium: While location often dictates cost, HairHub’s commitment is to provide the best services in Islamabad without heavy location-based surcharges.

Hair Transplant Types:

Transplanting hair in Pakistan, like in other parts of the world, is a delicate procedure that hinges on precise technicalities. For those considering this transformative journey in Pakistan, there are various options available to cater to unique needs and preferences. Broadly speaking, there are three prominent types of hair transplantation procedures practiced in the country. Choose the one that aligns best with your requirements and aesthetic goals.

✔ Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT):

As Farrukh Nosheen explains, FUT is one of the more traditional methods of hair transplantation. In this procedure, a strip of the scalp, usually from the back of the head, is surgically removed. The individual hair follicles are then extracted from this strip and implanted in the balding areas. One significant advantage of FUT is the ability to harvest a large number of grafts in a single session, making it a good choice for those with considerable balding. At HairHub, we have refined this technique to minimize scarring and enhance the natural look of the transplant.

✔ Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):

FUE, as shared by Farrukh Nosheen, is an advanced hair transplantation technique. Instead of removing a strip of scalp, individual hair follicles are extracted directly from the donor area and transplanted to the recipient sites.

This method is less invasive than FUT, resulting in minimal scarring and a faster recovery time.HairHub takes pride in offering FUE with unparalleled precision, ensuring the most natural-looking results.

✔ Robotic Hair Transplant:

Embracing the forefront of technological advancements, HairHub also provides robotic hair transplants. As Farrukh emphasizes, this method leverages robotic precision to extract and implant hair follicles. It enhances the accuracy and speed of the procedure, ensuring consistent graft quality. By incorporating this cutting-edge technology, HairHub ensures patients receive the best treatment with minimal manual intervention.

✔ PRP For Hair Loss Treatment:

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy for hair loss, as elucidated by Farrukh, is a non-surgical procedure. It involves drawing the patient’s blood, processing it to concentrate the platelets, and then injecting this rich plasma into the scalp to stimulate hair growth. PRP harnesses the body’s natural growth factors to strengthen hair follicles and promote growth. At HairHub, our expertise in PRP treatments ensures that patients have access to an effective solution for hair thinning, even before considering transplantation.

Benefits & Side Effects of Hair Transplant


  1. Natural Appearance: Modern hair transplantation techniques ensure that the results closely resemble your natural hair, eliminating any “pluggy” or artificial look.

  2. Permanent Solution: Unlike many over-the-counter hair restoration products, a hair transplant offers a more lasting and definitive solution to baldness.

  3. Boosted Self-Esteem: With a fuller head of hair, many patients report a significant increase in confidence and self-worth.

  4. Cost-Effective in the Long Run: Although the initial investment might seem high, compared to lifelong treatments or products, a hair transplant can prove more economical over time.

  5. Minimal Maintenance: Transplanted hair works just like natural hair. There’s no need for special shampoos or chemicals to maintain its density.

Side Effects:

  1. Swelling: Some patients may experience swelling on the scalp or around the eyes after the procedure. This typically subsides within a few days.

  2. Scarring: Depending on the method used and individual healing factors, there may be minor scarring. FUT method usually leaves a linear scar, whereas FUE might leave tiny dot scars.

  3. Infections: As with any surgical procedure, there’s a minor risk of infection. However, with proper post-operative care, this risk is minimal.

  4. Temporary Hair Shedding: Some patients may experience a phenomenon known as “shock loss” or temporary shedding of transplanted hair. However, this is generally temporary, and the hair typically grows back.

  5. Unsatisfactory Results: In some cases, especially if the procedure isn’t done by skilled professionals, the results might not meet the patient’s expectations.

  6. Itchiness: Following the procedure, some patients may experience itchiness due to scab formation. It’s crucial not to scratch as this might affect the grafts.

  7. Numbness: Temporary numbness might be felt on the operated areas, but this usually fades within a few weeks.

Hair Transplant For Both Genders

Hair Restoration For Males:

For men, hair loss, often stemming from genetics, age, or certain health conditions, can significantly impact self-confidence. At HairHub in Pakistan, we recognize the unique hair transplant needs of our male clients:

  • Scalp Hair Transplant: The primary concern for most men, receding hairlines or bald patches on the scalp, can be addressed using our advanced techniques, ensuring a natural finish and hair growth that feels just like your original hair.

  • Beard Transplant: Whether you’re looking to fill patches or get a denser beard, our beard transplant services can craft the masculine facial hair look you’ve always desired.

  • Mustache Transplant: A well-defined mustache can be a strong style statement. HairHub’s dedicated procedures ensure a fuller, natural-looking mustache, that fits seamlessly with your facial features.

Hair Restoration For Females:

Women’s hair loss, although less discussed, is just as impactful. At HairHub, we have tailored solutions to cater to the distinctive needs of our female clientele:

  • Scalp Hair Transplant: For women facing thinning hair or bald patches, our scalp hair transplant service guarantees volume, ensuring each strand sits naturally, complementing the unique feminine hair structure.

  • Eyebrow Transplant: Eyebrows frame the face and play a crucial role in facial aesthetics. We provide eyebrow transplant services to deliver fuller, naturally arched brows, enhancing your facial beauty.

  • Edge Restoration: Often, hair thinning is prominent around the edges for women. Our specialized techniques ensure edge restoration, bringing back the youthful hairline and overall hair density.

Hair Transplant: A Three-Step Journey

  1. Preparation:

    • Consultation: This initial step involves a thorough discussion with a hair transplant specialist. They assess the degree of hair loss, discuss goals, and recommend the best transplantation technique.
    • Hair and Scalp Analysis: Using specialized tools, the surgeon examines the density, quality, and viability of the donor hair.
    • Pre-Surgery Guidelines: Patients might be advised to avoid certain medications, smoking, and alcohol. This ensures optimal graft survival and reduces potential complications.
    • Hair Trimming: Just before the procedure, the donor area might be trimmed to facilitate the extraction of follicular units.
  2. Procedure:

    • Local Anesthesia: To ensure a pain-free experience, local anesthesia is administered to numb both the donor and recipient areas.
    • Graft Extraction: Depending on the chosen method (FUT or FUE), hair follicles are extracted from the donor site. FUT involves removing a strip of the scalp, while FUE extracts individual follicular units.
    • Site Preparation: Tiny incisions are made in the recipient area to prepare it for graft placement.
    • Graft Implantation: The extracted follicular units are then carefully implanted in the prepared incisions, ensuring they’re placed at the correct angle and depth for a natural look.
  3. Recovery & Results:

    • Immediate Aftercare: The scalp might be bandaged, and patients are provided with post-operative care instructions.
    • Temporary Side Effects: Some swelling, redness, or discomfort can be expected, which usually subsides within a week.
    • Hair Shedding: The transplanted hair may shed within the first few weeks – this is a normal part of the process and paves the way for new hair growth.
    • Hair Growth: Within 3-4 months, patients begin to notice new hair growth. The full results typically manifest between 8 to 12 months post-surgery.
    • Follow-up Visits: Periodic check-ins with the surgeon are advised to monitor the progress and address any concerns.









Hair Transplant Before And After

Hair transplantation is a transformative process not just for one’s hairline, but also for their self-esteem and overall confidence. The ‘before’ and ‘after’ stages of the procedure can be both exciting and nerve-wracking, and understanding what to expect can significantly enhance the experience.

Best FUE Hair Transplant In Islamabad/Rawalpindi​ - PakistanBest FUE Hair Transplant In Islamabad/Rawalpindi​ - Pakistan
Best FUE Hair Transplant In Islamabad/Rawalpindi​ - PakistanBest FUE Hair Transplant In Islamabad/Rawalpindi​ - Pakistan

Why Choose HairHub Clinic?

Holistic Approach:

At HairHub, we recognize that hair loss isn't merely a cosmetic concern but also an emotional one. Our holistic approach ensures that clients receive comprehensive care, from initial consultation to post-procedure support, addressing both the physical and emotional facets of hair restoration.

Expertise & Experience:

With over 15 years in the hair restoration field, our clinic isn't just a facility; it's a legacy. Our seasoned professionals bring a wealth of knowledge and precision to every procedure, ensuring that clients receive treatments that are both state-of-the-art and time-tested.

Cost-Effective Solutions:

Quality doesn't always come with a hefty price tag. At HairHub, we pride ourselves on offering the best hair transplantation services in Islamabad at competitive rates. Our commitment is to make top-tier hair restoration accessible to all.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Cost Of Hair Transplant In Islamabad, Pakistan?

At HairHub, we pride ourselves on offering competitive rates without compromising quality. The cost of a hair transplant varies based on the method chosen, the number of grafts required, and specific patient needs. While hair transplant prices in Islamabad generally range between 100,000 PKR to 400,000 PKR, it's best to consult with our experts for a tailored quote.

Is Hair Transplant Really Successful?

Absolutely! With advances in technology and techniques, the success rate of hair transplants has increased significantly. At HairHub, our team utilizes the latest methods, ensuring a high graft survival rate and optimal results for our clients.

Is Hair Transplant Painful?

The procedure is done under local anesthesia, ensuring the scalp is numb. This means patients experience minimal to no pain during the procedure. Some discomfort or tightness might be felt post-operation, but this is temporary and manageable with prescribed pain relief.

How Long Does a Hair Transplant Last?

Hair transplants are designed to be permanent. The hair follicles that are transplanted are generally resistant to the hormone that causes balding. However, it's essential to understand that while the transplanted hair remains, one might still experience hair loss in untreated areas.

Does Hair Transplant Provide Natural Appearance?

Yes, one of the primary goals of hair transplantation is to achieve a result that's indistinguishable from natural hair. At HairHub, our expert team ensures that the transplanted hair follows the natural growth direction, ensuring a seamless blend with the surrounding hair.

How Long It Will Take To Grow Hair Back?

After the transplant, the grafted hair will typically shed within 2-6 weeks. This makes way for new growth which usually starts after 3-4 months. Full results, where the hair grows thick and matures, can be seen from 8 to 12 months post-procedure.

At Which Age You Can Get A Hair Transplant?

While there isn't a strict age limit, hair transplants are generally recommended for individuals above 25. This is because hair loss patterns are more predictable and established by this age. However, consultations are crucial, and our specialists can assess individual cases to determine suitability regardless of age.

Is Islamabad Good for Hair Transplant?

Certainly! Islamabad is home to some of the most advanced hair transplant clinics in the region, with HairHub being a leading example. The city boasts state-of-the-art facilities, experienced surgeons, and competitive pricing, making it a preferred destination for many seeking hair restoration.

How long is recovery after a hair transplant in Pakistan?

The average recovery time for a hair transplant varies by procedure but is generally short. Patients might experience some redness and swelling for a few days. The transplanted hair usually sheds within 2-6 weeks post-procedure, with new growth starting after 3-4 months. By 8 to 12 months, patients can expect to see the full, mature results of their transplant.

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Patients Reviews:

Based on 44 reviews
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Muneeb RazaMuneeb Raza
12:21 21 Aug 23
I had hair tranplant 5 month ago result is more then promise 100% satisfied hair hub is only place where is commitment and excellence highly recommend
Usman ShahzadUsman Shahzad
07:44 16 Aug 23
I searched quite a few hair transplant service provider in Pakistan, specially in Islamabad and Karachi. Tried a place also choosing it for comments found online, turned out to be major mishap, luckily was visiting Islamabad and visited Hair Hub, they guided me properly, didn’t exaggerate, and explained the situation and restored my damaged hair transplant to a much better condition.Excellent for return for money, highly recommended for anyone who is looking for quality people and a true to field center for such surgeries. Dr. Farrukh Noshen is a honest, kind, soft and talented professional.Wish you guys all the best.Thank you. 😌
Hammad AsifHammad Asif
08:46 12 Aug 23
I had my 1st session on June 2022. It has been more than a year and the result is outstanding. Staff is soo cooperative and friendly. Much recommend. 👍👍
Zubair RajaZubair Raja
06:37 29 Jul 23
I recently had a hair transplant in Islamabad, and I must say it was the best experience I could have hoped for. Dr. Farukh Nosheen and her team were extremely cooperative and professional throughout the entire process. I felt comfortable and well-informed at every step. I can’t wait to see the results after 8 to 10 months, and based on my experience so far, I have high hopes for a successful outcome. I highly recommend Dr. Farukh Nosheen for anyone considering a hair transplant.
Sanaullah KhanSanaullah Khan
04:51 10 Jun 23
I am satisfied from hair hub best canter far hair.
Misbah KhanMisbah Khan
09:33 18 Apr 23
Yeah it was amazing seriously I visited. Their staff and specially Doc. Farukh Nosheen is best ever Hair Surgeon and very kind heart woman. Thank you for changing my life style. 💕🥰❤️
Engineer MuhiudinEngineer Muhiudin
08:45 03 Mar 23
Yesterday i meet Sardar Sudhir Khan CEO HAIR in his office and he was very friendly who explained me everything and clear my all questions regarding treatment Also in regarding price it’s very reasonable & be honest on the spot i book my appointment which is on 1st week of the march.After hair treetment/surgeroy i share my experience on the same page as well but hope for best.Thanks
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